Romancing Anaheim

Given my love/hate relationship with traveling, the trip to Anaheim filled me with anxiety and excitement. A few things tipped the scales towards excitement: I adore California. I love RWA’s annual conference no matter how busy or overwhelming it gets. A quiet girl gets unleashed for three days–a must for any bookworm.  Plus, I get to see writers, which is always a good time. Despite … Continue reading Romancing Anaheim

What Book Changed Your Life?

I was 20, living in Paris, and, right after exams, I came down with the flu. Desperate for entertainment since I had no TV, I shuffled to the nearest FNAC to find a book, one in English for a change. After three months of all-French reading, I needed something that screamed “America.”  The bookstore had a bin of used paperbacks, mostly American. I picked through … Continue reading What Book Changed Your Life?

How Do You Stay Motivated Through the Pages?

I often wonder how writers stay motivated when they have to live with their characters for 200+ pages. Dear Writer, don’t you get sick of them? What if the plot is floundering just as the hero and heroine enter the jungle? Do you insert a night of sticky passion or take a break? Editors experience similar frustrations with a story. Sometimes, if the grammar is … Continue reading How Do You Stay Motivated Through the Pages?